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Congratulations, Nanette Lehman!

Teachers will rise to the challenge. We will prepare all students for a rewarding future of being contributing citizens in our ever changing society.

Nanette Lehman

At a school assembly, Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton announced that Nanette Lehman, a second grade teacher at Haines Elementary in the Baker School District, has been named Oregon’s 2012-13 Teacher of the Year.

As Oregon’s Teacher of the Year, Nanette served as a spokesperson and representative for all Oregon teachers and attended the National Teacher of the Year forum in Washington, D.C. where she met the President and U.S. Secretary of Education.

“Nanette is a passionate teacher leader whose work both in the classroom and in staff development has earned her the respect, admiration, and trust of her colleagues, parents, and students,” said Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton. “She exemplifies the qualities we look for in outstanding teachers – creativity, dedication, a love of learning, mastery of content, and a true commitment to excellence.  I am honored to name her the 2012-13 Oregon Teacher of the Year.”

Nanette teaches second grade in a small, high-poverty, rural school in eastern Oregon.  The school, Haines Elementary, was recognized this summer as one of 30 Model Schools in the state – high-poverty schools identified for their successful student outcomes.  Nanette serves as a teacher leader in both her school and district. She is on the site council, serves as co-chair of the Parent Teacher Community Organization, leads the Math Cadre for her district, and has served as Board Member and National Representative for the Oregon Council of Teaching Mathematics.  A strong believer in the importance of professional development, she holds herself and her colleagues to the same high standards she has for her students.

Highly skilled at differentiating instruction, Nanette is able to individualize her teaching to meet the needs of all of her students regardless of whether they are struggling or accelerated learners.  She creates a safe, fun, and interactive learning environment that encourages students to be high-achieving risk-takers.

Baker School District Superintendent Walt Wegener wrote in a letter of recommendation, “I have seen her children discussing with each other the Associative, Multiplicative, and Distributive properties of Algebra cogently and with interest.  These are general education students in the second grade.  This is because Mrs. Lehman works with each child, each day, using high yield methods aligned with content. It is also because Mrs. Lehman, a master teacher, interfaces with students’ families to get the support at home that makes each child a great success in class.”

Nanette is passionate about continuous improvement.  She dives into student data to find ways to improve her teaching and student outcomes.  She uses technology tools to enhance instruction and engage student interest.  And she embraces rigor, collaboration, and the need for change to keep schools advancing and to better prepare students for their futures.  Nanette sees the rigorous Common Core State Standards – which Oregon and over 40 other states have adopted – as one of the major challenges and opportunities for our teachers as we work to get all students ready for college and career.

In her application, Nanette wrote: “Knowing the content extensively, understanding differentiation completely, responding with intervention strategically, and motivating students intrinsically are essential in implementing the Common Core Standards. Teachers will rise to the challenge.  We will always have professional frustrations, but we must not allow them to keep us from completing our mission.  We will prepare all students for a rewarding future of being contributing citizens in our ever changing society.”

Nanette Lehman succeeds 2011-12 Teacher of the Year Elena Garcia-Velasco, a Spanish teacher in Portland Public Schools.  As part of her recognition, Nanette received a $5,000 cash award sponsored by the American Institutes for Research.  Other sponsors include SMART Technologies and Salem Trophy.

Nanette is a passionate teacher leader whose work both in the classroom and in staff development has earned her the respect, admiration, and trust of her colleagues, parents, and students,.

Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton

Previous Winners

Profile photo of Elena Garcia-Velasco

Elena Garcia-Velasco




Elena Garcia-Velasco

Elena Garcia-Velasco

  • School: SEIS@Roosevelt
  • Teaches: Spanish Language Arts
Profile photo of Colleen Works

Colleen Works

Corvallis High School


Linn Benton Lincoln

Colleen Works

Colleen Works

  • School: Corvallis High School
  • Teaches: Social Sciences
  • Grade Level: High School
Profile photo of Donna DuBois VanDeurzen

Donna DuBois VanDeurzen

Camas Ridge Community School



Donna DuBois VanDeurzen

Donna DuBois VanDeurzen

  • School: Camas Ridge Community School
  • Teaches: Elementary Education
  • Grade Level: 4

How Nominations Work

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Nominate a Teacher

Know a great teacher? Fill out the nomination form and tell us what makes them exceptional!

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Teacher of the Year Applications

We notify qualifying nominees and invite them to apply for Teacher of the Year.

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Regional Teachers of the Year Selected

Each of Oregon’s 19 Education Service Districts review applications from their area and choose a winner for their region.

Oregon Teacher of the Year Selected icon


Oregon Teacher of the Year Selected

Finalists are chosen from among the regional winners, and then the designated candidate will be recommended to the Director of the Oregon Department of Education as the next Oregon Teacher of the Year.

Nominations for 2025-26 have closed! Check back in the fall when we announce the Regional Teachers of the Year!